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Terms of Service

You can find this Term at the bottom of the Site's main page and in the "Terms of Use" link, available for consultation by any consumer, regardless of prior registration.


How do the "Talk to the Bible" products work (including, @oinstadabiblia, Zap da Biblia, Telegram da Bíblia, among others)?


When opening the chat, the user will have the option to write YES to accep our Terms to have access to the chat. If you wish to give your consent to data collection, you can write YES". If you do not want "Talk to the Bible" to handle your personal data, you should write "NO".


If the user specifically writes YES, the service will continue normally until a solution is found for the request. However, if the user writes  "NO", that is, chooses not to allow "Talk to the Bible" to handle your personal data, unfortunately, it will not be possible to proceed with the service through this channel, in respect to the user's choice and the General Data Protection Law. This happens because, during chat interaction, new personal data may be requested in order to conclude the service.


The refusal to provide consent on this channel does not prevent the user from resorting to the other service channels available.


Therefore, after giving your consent, the user who agrees to provide their personal data can start their conversation.


Upon starting the service, the user may be asked for some personal data, such as name and phone number. However, during the service, other information may be required for a better understanding of your request.


As mentioned earlier, if the user does not agree to give consent for the collection of data that will be processed during the chat service, unfortunately, we will not be able to proceed with the service.


What are the purposes for the use of data?


The data is used to:


Respond to the requests recorded in the channel by the user;

Keep the user's registration updated, allowing effective contact to respond to the request. This contact, authorized by the user, can be made by phone, email, SMS, direct mail or any other means of communication available.

With whom do we share personal data?


In order to assist in the realization of the contract with the user, "Talk to the Bible" may, with the consent of the holder when accepting the Terms, share information with partner companies and service providers who have a prior contract of Privacy and Confidentiality and who prove security standards equivalent to or higher than those adopted by "Talk to the Bible".


For how long do we retain personal data?


The "Talk to the Bible" personal data retention policy follows the following guidelines:


"Talk to the Bible" will store the personal data collected for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they are collected, including legal, contractual, accountability obligations or requests from competent authorities.

Whenever possible, we purge personal data that is unnecessary or excessive;

We emphasize that, even with the aim of deleting unnecessary data, we preserve information that is required to comply with legal, regulatory obligations or to exercise our rights regularly.


How do we protect Personal Data?


"Talk to the Bible" adopts policies, mechanisms, and security procedures as per market standards to protect personal data from unauthorized access and situations – accidental or illegal – of destruction, loss, alteration, communication, or dissemination.


However, due to the particularities of internet architecture, security cannot be fully guaranteed against all virtual threats, and it is our commitment to use, to the best of our ability, all available security measures to prevent incidents.


One of our measures involves efforts to make our collaborators aware of the importance of data protection, keeping them updated in relation to market best practices and the need to implement internal access controls and confidentiality obligations.


Another measure by "Talk to Bible" ensures that all information collected and stored follows the strictest security and reliability standards, not being publicly available, provided, or marketed, except to comply with a legal obligation or with the user's consent. "Talk to Bible", except in cases of intentional misconduct or fault on its part, and considering that security systems are not absolutely infallible, is not responsible for any damages and/or losses resulting from failures, viruses, or invasions of the website's database or its servers.


What are the rights of personal data holders?


In accordance with Brazilian legislation, we highlight the following rights, which can be requested by personal data holders through the official channel provided in this term, respecting applicable limits:


Confirmation and access to data: anyone can request confirmation of the existence of processing and access to data processed by "Talk to Bible", as well as information about possible sharing with third parties. To ensure the safety and protection of the information processed, we may implement mechanisms to authenticate the requester's identity.

Correction: if the personal data is incorrect, inaccurate, or outdated, the holder of the personal data can request the correction of this information or facilitate it quickly and immediately by updating their registration on our platform.

Revocation of consent: in situations where the performance of processing operations requires obtaining consent, this can be revoked at any time by an express manifestation of the holder, in a simple, free, and easily available way, by simply sending an email stating their requirement.


Exclusion or anonymization: the holder of personal data can request the deletion or anonymization of the data provided in some specific situations - especially when the legal basis for the treatment is consent - primarily when they believe their data is being treated excessively, unnecessarily, or contrary to applicable law. However, even after the deletion request, some personal data may remain stored, in compliance with legal obligations or for the protection of our interests or third parties. The request should be sent by email.


Opposition: the holder of personal data should be offered the opportunity to oppose the processing of their personal data, respecting the legally established limits and impositions.


General Conditions:


Upon starting the Service, the USER may electronically accept these TERMS by clicking on the "I accept" button, declaring that they have read and agree with these TERMS.


The USER who gives consent may revoke it at any time, as long as this request is made in an express and unambiguous manner, via email.


Due to the impossibility of identifying the user and for security reasons, refusal to give consent for the processing of personal data may restrict access to logged-in areas and some services and facilities offered by the CONTROLLER.


Only the USER who accepts these TERMS will have access to the Service.

By providing the data, the USER agrees to provide true, complete, and updated information, with no responsibility for "Talk to Bible" to supervise or control the truthfulness of the information provided.


The USER's data is personal and non-transferable, prohibiting the transfer, assignment, lending, or any type of loan, by any means, of the USER's data to third parties.


The USER can disable the messaging services at any time by making a request through the official email of "Talk to Bible".


"Talk to Bible" can contact the USER to request additional data or documents that it considers necessary to achieve the objective of the service. "Talk to Bible" does not guarantee that the CHAT will be available uninterruptedly or that it will always be free from errors, therefore, it cannot be held responsible for damages caused to USERS due to any interruption in operation.


The USER should be careful when disclosing any personal information that is public or visible to other USERS to protect themselves against theft, robberies, and other crimes.


"Talk to Bible" can remove, block or delete from its system any content that it considers, at its sole discretion, to be illegal, offensive, slanderous, defamatory, pornographic, obscene, or that violates any copyright or intellectual property content, highlighting that reprehensible behaviors will be determined at the sole discretion of "Talk to Bible".


Additional Information:


This Use Agreement can be updated and adjusted at any time to reflect the practices of "Talk to Bible" ("ZapdaBiblia", "oinstadabiblia", "telegramdabiblia", etc.) in terms of privacy and personal data protection. If the update is significant, we will use the means available to contact our customers so that they are aware of the changes.


In any case, the date of the last update will always be at the beginning of the document, it is recommended that the holder always pays attention to the information provided.


Contact Channels:

With the entry into force of the General Data Protection Law, you can send any request related to the use of your personal data by "Talk to Bible" ("ZapdaBiblia", "oinstadabiblia", "telegramdabiblia", etc.) by the email:

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